How conversations between two naked men helped my business

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When a friend told me about Geoffrey and his unconventional business mentoring method that encouraged self-reflection in conversations between two naked men, I initially dismissed it.

After all, who would entertain such an absurd idea?

But as the owner of a once flourishing business, I found myself drowning in a sea of laborious tasks and unmotivated employees. Putting out fires rather than working on my business.

My confidence in my staff had started to wane: their inefficiency and lack of initiative were increasingly frustrating. I began to shoulder more responsibilities than what was good for me or the business.

So I argued with myself about the pros and cons of his bare-it-all technique. The idea seemed ludicrous. If I was going to pour my heart and soul out to some bloke in the nude, I might as well visit a sex worker, which I read he’d been for some decades.

But there was an odd allure to this madness, as if it held opportunities that I would never have considered feasible. I read more about his past and a couple of the stories on his web site that promised hope for my struggling business too.

I decided to try one session with Geoffrey

Finally, the internal back-and-forth conversations were so draining, I decided to try one session with Geoffrey. If it turned out to be nonsense—as I suspected—I’d write the expense off to experience.

Little did I know then how much one session would completely overturn my presumptions. That I would not only reveal my body but also my deepest insecurities and fears about people. Little did I know how much this decision would reshape my business and my entire life.

But that’s the beauty of life, isn’t it? The most unconventional paths often lead us to the best destinations.

Nervous and uneasy, I undressed for that first session. My initial awkwardness slowly faded into the background, replaced by a strange feeling of liberation. As if in stripping off my clothing, all my preconceived notions, insecurities and fears had fallen away too.

Being naked wasn’t about sexual arousal; it was more about emotional and mental awareness, so often lost in our attempts to cover ourselves with clothes and busyness.

Geoffrey had a subtle way of unraveling the tangled threads of my thoughts. His mentoring wasn’t just about delegating tasks or hiring better employees; it was about addressing my fears and insecurities.

I could barely wait for our next session

I had walked into that first session wary and unsure of what to expect. But as soon as our conversation started flowing, my head started spinning with ideas.

I scribbled down notes furiously, trying to capture every thought before it slipped away. As I left that first session, my mind was buzzing: the possibilities seemed endless and I could barely wait for our next session.

I scheduled monthly meetings with Geoffrey. It was during these sessions of 2 hours that I learned to appreciate myself, to confront and claim my weaknesses instead of suppressing them beneath layers of false bravado.

We discussed strategies for hiring more competent staff, role-playing scenarios to illustrate effective delegation. As I became more comfortable with his unconventional methods, his teaching began to resonate deeply within me. It was like rediscovering my own abilities and potential through Geoffrey’s eyes.

The experience was liberating—shedding old skins, discarding inhibitions and redefining my perceptions about people. Being naked with Geoffrey nudged me closer towards a new form of leadership and management—one that was rooted in self-awareness, understanding and trust.

Enjoying the casual intimacy of nudity and touch, I discovered a different me: not just a businessman but also a human being with flaws and strengths and repressed desires to explore intimacy with men.

Now I began to understand how my insecurities bled into my business, creating a ripple effect of distrust and inefficiency among my team.

I looked at my team with new eyes

The insights gleaned from those intimate sessions with Geoffrey started showing their effect when I applied them to my business. I looked at my team with new eyes: with empathy and greater understanding.

I started revising my delegation process: allocating tasks based on aptitude, supervising without micromanaging and motivating the team towards better productivity. Job profiles were reassessed, inefficient employees let go and competent ones hired.

Trust in myself was reflected in trust for my staff. They could handle delegated tasks without me hovering over them like a wary chicken. They could grow in their roles and contribute to our shared goals.

This shift in management style wasn’t missed by my employees. They responded positively to the changes, to their autonomy and to opportunities for growth.

Their increased motivation was obvious and infectious; palpable in every successful project completion, every problem solved, every target triumphantly exceeded.

I applied empathy and patience outside work too

The forgotten feeling of satisfaction came back into my life as I observed the tangible improvements in my company operations. Reports started reflecting increased sales and revenue growth, which felt like validation of the unconventional path I had chosen.

As the months flew by, the fruits of this transformation became apparent not just professionally but personally too. My interactions with everyone around me underwent a significant change as I applied empathy and patience outside work too.

Life has a peculiar sense of humour, doesn’t it? Who would have thought that being naked, aroused and intimate with another man would create such massive personal and professional growth?

In the end, I’ve realised that the journey to success isn’t always traditional or conventional. Sometimes, it’s about stripping away all layers—physical, mental, emotional and social—and confronting your naked self.

To be victorious, first you must battle with yourself.

For me, this battle started with Geoffrey’s unconventional, naked mentoring sessions. And it’s turned out to be a battle well worth fighting.

Ready to start a conversation?

Take the first step by emailing me. Include a brief description of yourself and any obstacles you are facing, along with what you hope to achieve. Feel free to add pictures to give me a better understanding of who you are. I will promptly reply with all the details you need to arrange your first visit.

The Naked Male Mentor combines personal and professional guidance for men aged over 40, with the liberating sensuality of male nudity, mutual touch and genuine friendship. Excel in your career, sharpen your business skills and boost self-confidence.

Available exclusively by appointment with Geoffrey in Blackheath (Blue Mountains, Australia).