At last! A safe place where a curious man can relax and always come first

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Imagine the delights of an unconventional friendship with a male confidant who gives you a safe place to relax, talk and always come first.

This isn’t a typical relationship between two men. It’s a unique, one-sided, as-needed, secret friendship where you can speak freely about topics you might not want to share elsewhere.

But that’s not all... this is an unconventional friendship exclusively for physically fit, mentally healthy, male nudists aged over 40 years... men who have plenty to say.

Whether you want to talk about career pivots, personal relationships, sexuality or life’s bigger questions it’s up to you.

You’ll talk, I’ll listen. There’s no advice-giving or lecturing here. Instead, it’s all about you having the floor.

I may occasionally offer a thoughtful comment, ask a probing question or share relevant details from my own life, but mostly I’ll listen.

A flexible arrangement between friends

Our bond will develop slowly, with occasional 2 or 3 hour visits to my discreet address in Blackheath where you can shed your clothes and speak freely about yourself.

Months may pass between visits to suit your lifestyle, career and emotional needs perfectly. And you’ll always be welcomed warmly when you return.

This flexibility will be a key feature of our ongoing association, allowing you to seek support when you need it most.

You’ll always come first

You’ll appreciate the no-strings-attached nature of our friendship. There will be no expectation of regular meetings or social obligations. When we do meet, you will always come first: the entire session will be all about your thoughts, ideas and issues.

And it will be clear to you that this is a paid service, not a reciprocal friendship, though the emotional and intellectual support will be genuine and intimate.

Paying $600 in advance of each visit will make you value it more, ensuring you make the most of each session.

While some might view this paid arrangement as impersonal, you’ll find it liberating. You’ll feel no guilt about taking up someone’s time or being selfish or self-centred or feeling indebted for my support.

And our transactional arrangement will paradoxically allow for a deeper level of understanding and friendship.

One-sided, as-needed friendship

You’ll value the rarity of having an interested man’s undivided attention in today’s world. My ability to listen without judgement or interruption is a skill honed by years of practice.

You’ll find yourself sharing thoughts and feelings you’ve never voiced aloud before, surprised by your own honesty.

My home in Sydney’s Blue Mountains will become a refuge of sorts, a place where you can safely reveal all of yourself and explore your inner world.

(Aside from knowing my name is Geoffrey and I’m a tall, slim, gay male nudist in my early 60s, with an unconventional career and life, you’ll learn little more about me.)

Ultimately, this one-sided, as-needed friendship will become a cornerstone of your personal growth: a haven for self-reflection, stress release and emotional unburdening. A sanctuary where you can relax and always come first.

It’s not for everyone, but for you, it will provide a valuable outlet and a path to self-understanding.